Mobile App Development

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Mobile App Development

Mobile application development is the process of making software for smartphones and digital assistants, most commonly for Android and iOS. The software can be preinstalled on the device, downloaded from a mobile app store or accessed through a mobile web browser. The programming and markup languages used for this kind of software development include Java, Swift, C# and HTML5.

Mobile app development is rapidly growing. From retail, telecommunications and e-commerce to insurance, healthcare and government, organizations across industries must meet user expectations for real-time, convenient ways to conduct transactions and access information. Today, mobile devices and the mobile applications that unlock their value are the most popular way for people and businesses to connect to the internet. To stay relevant, responsive and successful, organizations in today's world need to develop the mobile applications that their customers, partners and employees demand.

Planet Earth Solutions being a full-service mobile app development firm based in Nepal. We offer services for the whole process of developing a mobile app from start to finish. Before deciding on the next course of action, at Planet Earth Solutions we analyze and make sense of the client's demands and the app concept. Our team of developers are skilled in creating mobile apps for a variety of platforms while seamlessly balancing functions and aesthetics. Our development methods and services, as a mobile app development company in Nepal, are completely incorporated with safe and encrypted technology. The Planet Earth Solutions app development process follows a plan - driven model that provides transparency and reduces risk. Our developers even handle the app store submission process with assets, descriptive text that can be searched, and with relevant descriptions. We believe that through services we provide, new ideas and concepts can come to life without any obstacle on the journey of your new business model.

Let's first go through why mobile applications are essential to corporate success before moving on to the mobile development process at Planet Earth Solutions.

Why mobile apps are essential for Business success

Increasing customer engagement and loyalty
Mobile applications let you improve connections with clients, offer them more individualized services, and give them easier access to your products and services. Giving customers an improved and simpler method to communicate with your company will raise their engagement and loyalty, which will boost the return on investment for your mobile app contributions.

Improving employee experiences
No matter where they are, employees are able to access client data and information unique to their jobs via mobile apps. Employees can increase their abilities and deliver more by dealing with manual and assigned roles. Mobile applications are crucial resources for employees in today's workforce, especially in hybrid or remote work environments. Apps for mobile devices can increase employee retention and satisfaction.

Developing a culture of innovation 
Mobile applications available now go beyond data collection, media sharing, and commerce. More businesses are making investments in mobile applications that incorporate cutting-edge immersive experiences and artificial intelligence capabilities as well as integration with a variety of cloud services. These mobile applications are upending whole sectors while tackling difficult business problems.   Companies that adopt a culture of innovation will become leaders in their fields.

Creating a new revenue channel
While mobile applications may help businesses improve their current business processes, they can also help them discover new growth prospects. Businesses will discover chances to engage new audiences while also expanding their product and service offerings to their current clients by digitizing their business processes.

Mobile Device Platforms

The mobile device industry is now dominated by two platforms. They are Android from Google, which is supported by a variety of smartphones and gadgets made by Google and other manufacturers, and the other being iOS platform from Apple Inc., which runs on the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.

Although the two platforms are similar, distinct software development kits are needed to create apps for iOS and Android. While the Android operating system may be used on devices from other manufacturers as long as they satisfy certain conditions, including running particular Google applications, the Apple iOS can only be used on Apple devices. We at Planet Earth Solutions use Flutter as our main software development kit because of it being cross platform compatible. Meaning it can be used to develop cross platform applications for Android, iOS,Linux, macOS, Windows and web apps from a single code base. 

Mobile App Development Process at Planet Earth Solutions

The formulation of a plan to assess how your organization might benefit from a mobile app is the first stage in the development of a mobile app. How would your clients gain from this? 
What about your staff or business partners? 
You should be able to answer "why" for your efforts in mobile development with the help of a well-defined plan.
 Analysis and Planning 
Your app concept begins to take shape at this point and develops into a real project. Use case definition and comprehensive functional requirement capturing are the first steps in analysis and planning.
We then create a product plan after determining your app's requirements. This essentially gives mobile app requirements a priority order and organizing them according to delivery milestones. Decide on your minimal viable product (MVP) and giving it top priority for the initial launch because time, resources, and money are often limited.
Choosing the expertise required for your app development project is a part of the planning step of the app development process. For instance, the mobile platforms for iOS and Android leverage different development technology stacks. At Planet Earth Solutions we specialize in Flutter app development because it is a cross-platform IDE used for developing apps for Android, iOS, Web app and much more.
UI / UX Design
Delivering smooth, simple, and attractive user experiences are the main goals of app design.
How successfully people utilize and adapt the mobile app's features will determine its success. The purpose of mobile app UX and UI design is to produce top-notch user experiences that make the app engaging, simple to use, and interactive. While well-executed Ul designs will boost in early engagement, the application has to have simple user interfaces to keep users hooked.

App Development 

There are four major development approaches when building mobile applications.

Native mobile applications are written in the platform's programming language and
frameworks and run directly on the operating system of the device such as iOS and Android. Native mobile apps provide best performance and user experience.

Cross-platform native mobile applications can be written in a range of programming languages and frameworks, and then compiled into a native application that runs on the device's operating system. Cross-platform mobile apps are a good fit for simpler mobile applications that don't require native device features and apps don't have to be updated as soon as new OS frameworks are released.

Hybrid mobile applications are built with standard web technologies, including JavaScript, CSS, and HTML5, and then bundled as app installation packages. A web container offers a browser runtime and a bridge for native device APIs using Apache Cordova. Hybrid mobile applications are a good option for companies that want to repurpose existing web applications and have a moderate budget.

Progressive web applications provide an alternative approach to traditional mobile app development that sidesteps app store delivery and app installations. They are web applications that use browser capabilities including working offline, running a background process, and adding a link to the device home screen. This creates an 'app like' user experience. PWAs are a good option for apps that have limited functionality and require working offline.

New iterations of mobile platforms allow for a more faster advancement of mobile technology. Additionally, every few months, new mobile gadgets are introduced. Agility is crucial for the timely and cost-effective introduction of mobile apps since platforms and devices are continually evolving. We at Planet Earths Solutions make sure that defining development milestones are a part of the innovative approach that supports the development of a mobile app.

Application Testing 
Applications become reliable, functional, and safe by undergoing extensive quality assurance (QA) testing during the development process for mobile apps. We  first create test cases that cover every aspect of app testing in order to guarantee thorough QA testing of your mobile applications.

Test cases direct the mobile app testing process in a manner similar to how use cases direct the creation of mobile apps. Test cases provide instructions to your team on how to conduct tests, record test results for software quality assessment, and monitor fixes for further testing. Involving our QA staff in the Analysis and Design phases is a recommended practice strategy. Our expertise with the goals and functional specifications of our software will help us create precise test cases. Test driven development and test automation are also popular choices among businesses. Our engineering team will need to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing testing automation as this necessitates more work in building and maintaining tests.

App Launch & Support
Finally, We officially launch the app on the prefered native app library. After the launch. We monitor its usage through mobile analytics platforms and track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring your app's success. Frequently check crash reports, or other user reported issues.

Users are later encouraged to provide their firm comments and ideas for the app. Maintaining user interest will depend on providing end users with prompt assistance and, if required, constantly updating the program with enhancements. Mobile app updates must go through the same submission and approval procedures as the initial submission, in contrast to web applications, where patch releases can be made instantaneously. Additionally, with native mobile applications, we have to regularly update the app for new mobile devices and OS platforms in order to keep up with technological changes.